

What are my shipping options?

Shipping Method Shipping Charge Estimated Delivery Time (*)
Standard $18 8-12 business days
Express Contact us

(*) Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are not considered business days

When will my order ship?

We ship most items within 1-2 business days. You will get an email notification with your tracking information once your order is on its way. Note we may choose to split your order into several packages, and those may be shipped on separate days. In that case, you will not be charged extra for additional shipments.
Rarely, if an item is no longer in stock, it may be removed from your order before shipping. You will get an email to let you know if this happens. Of course, we will not charge you for these items.

How can I check the status of my order?

You will get an email with your tracking number and estimated delivery date once your order ships. Note it may take the shipping company 24-48 hours to update your shipping information.
You can also log into your SAVVY CREW account to track your order at any time. If you don't have an account yet, find your tracking number in your email and track it through correspondent shipping company. IF you can't find it anyway, contact us and we will fix everything for you.
If your order doesn’t arrive by the estimated delivery date, please get in touch with us or the shipping company, one of our customer service team members will reach out as soon as possible to help. 

Why are items in my order shipped in separate packages?

Usually, we try to have all your items shipped together. Despite that, we may choose to split your order to ensure you get it sooner. If that happens, you'll get a separate tracking number for every package. Don't worry - even if we send multiple packages, we'll never charge you more than the shipping cost you saw during checkout.